Many people view divorce as an ending. However, the best divorce advice you can receive is to view your divorce as a fresh start. Your divorce gives you the opportunity to create your own future as you view it. You get to choose your own path, turning divorce into something positive.
Grieving the end of a marriage
When someone we care about passes away, we grieve the loss. Although ending a marriage is different from the death of a spouse, divorce is a loss of someone you love. Even if you and your spouse stopped loving each other some time ago, the process of ending the marital relationship can feel as if you have lost part of yourself.
Psychology Today explains that the five stages of grief were not originally designed to describe losing a loved one. Originally, the stages of grief described the process a patient goes through after learning they have a terminal illness. The author highlights how each person is different, and grief is not a simple matter.
Ending a marriage is a type of death in that it is final. Therefore, you may experience the stages of grief usually associated with the loss of a spouse — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, it is important to remember that everyone experiences getting a divorce differently. You may not experience any of the stages of grief, or you may skip a step or two.
The key is to understand that your journey is unique. It is your journey to take in whatever manner is best for you. The author of the article points out that grief is not a contest to see who does it right. Allow yourself to process your emotions in your own time and in your own way.
Moving past the grieving process
You may be ready to end your marriage, and the process of talking to divorce attorneys for advice may feel like a relief. If so, then your grieving process may be quicker. However, if your spouse takes you by surprise, it may be difficult to view getting a divorce as a fresh start. At some point, you will be ready to move forward.
How can you make the best of your fresh start?
Another article in Psychology Today offers some insight on how to enjoy your life after divorce. The author offers 7 ways you can make the most of your fresh start.You can recognize your qualities and gifts, do something for yourself each day, let go of bitterness and regret, and live in the present. You can also evaluate your purpose and set goals, give thanks for your life, and listen to yourself.
It is okay to be alone after getting a divorce
It can be difficult to face life alone especially if you have been married for many years. You are accustomed to being one half of a couple. However, getting a divorce allows you to reconnect with the person you were before you became one-half of a couple.
Being alone does not need to mean that you are lonely or isolated. Living life as a single person offers so many possibilities. You can make new friends, try a new hobby, and explore your interests without being concerned with whether your spouse approves or is interested in trying new things.
The “old” you before marriage may have been a night owl, but you learned to go to bed early because your spouse was an early riser. You also might have been a social butterfly, but your spouse was more of the stay-at-home personality. Spouses often defer to the other spouse, which is part of the compromise that makes marriages work. Nevertheless, getting a divorce gives you the opportunity to explore your interests without compromise.
In addition to reconnecting with your “old” self, you can also discover an entirely new side of yourself. Change your look, redecorate your home, try a new sport, go back to college, or travel. If you can afford to do so and you are inclined to do so, you may want to move to a new home. A new home can be the beginning of new memories as you continue with your life after getting a divorce.
Also, do not be afraid of making mistakes along the way. Forgive yourself and move forward. You may not like everything you try, but sometimes the joy is simply in trying.
Do not feel pressured to rush anything
Friends and family can be helpful, but they can also pressure you to “get back out there,” because they think they know what you need. You are the only one that knows when you are ready to do anything, including dating. Do not feel as if you need to move at any specific speed.
A fresh start is about exploring what you want for your life. Accept the advice of your friends and family as thoughtful and caring suggestions, but move at your own pace. Take steps only when you are comfortable doing something. A fresh start is about exploring what you want for your life.
Good divorce lawyers in Little Rock
Are you searching for divorce attorneys who can offer compassionate and realistic divorce advice? Getting a divorce is a major life event. The outcome of your divorce has a significant impact on almost every aspect of your life. Therefore, you will want to work with experienced Arkansas divorce attorneys who can provide seasoned legal advice.
Mann & Kemp works with you to protect your best interests and the best interests of your children. Your needs and your children’s needs are always our top priority.
Contact our office at 501-222-4730 to speak with one of our Little Rock divorce attorneys.